You may be aware that Keppel Developments, the creators of Sea Haven and The Shoals estates in Yeppoon, have lodged an application with Livingstone Sire Council to develop a Over 50’s Lifestyle Living Community on the land west of Carige Boulevard.
How to choose the right facade for your dream home
First impressions are what counts in real estate. Selecting the facade of your dream home will be one of the most important decisions made during the home building journey.
Top 2021 Bathroom Design Trends
One thing 2020 taught us is the importance of creating a home environment that is a warm and welcome refuge from an unpredictable world.
And while we can’t experience the luxury of travel quite so easily, 2021 bathrooms will be all about creating a sanctuary at home.
5 Home Loan Tips for Savvy Buyers
5 Home Loan Tips for Savvy Buyers
Home loans are a gateway to major life milestones, but navigating how to get one can be an overwhelming process.
What to look for when you’re choosing a property
When you’re choosing to invest in property, there are so many factors to take into account.
Is it a long-term home, an investment, or a temporary home designed to help you achieve capital growth fast?
Home Loan Requirements and Conditions

Before granting you a home loan, lenders will always make sure you meet their requirements and conditions. We explore the seven most common factors they’ll take into consideration when you apply for a mortgage.
How to get a home loan when you’re single

Getting approved for a home loan when you’re single may be more difficult but it’s not impossible. Here are our tips for securing a mortgage and getting on the property ladder even when there’s just one income coming in.
What Kind of Debt can Impact a Home Loan?

When assessing your home loan application, a lender will take into account many of the debts you already owe. But what types of debt affect your borrowing capacity and your ability to get a mortgage?
6 Tips for First Home Buyers Applying for a Mortgage

When you’re buying your first home, applying for a home loan may seem like a daunting prospect. But it really doesn’t have to be that way. We show you what you need to know about finding and, most importantly, securing your first home loan so that you can get onto the property ladder as soon as possible.
10 Strategies to Help You Buy Your First Home

Want to buy your first home as soon as you can? We explore 10 tips first home buyers can take advantage of to get into the property market faster.
1) Buy off the plan
As a first home buyer, purchasing a property off the plan can bring two distinct advantages.